Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ultrasound & Updated Due Date

Yesterday we had our first ultrasound.  I was full of excitement and a little nervous energy.  When we were originally told that this appointment would be about one hour, I thought our doctor had made a mistake.  Boy, was I the one who made the mistake of thinking that it would be a quick visit.  The technician took soooo many images of our little one.  I was completely mesmerized and felt like I was in a different world watching the screen and seeing our Baby move around.  About halfway through I asked him how many images on average they take for this ultrasound, and he said anywhere from 50 -75 depending on the baby's cooperation.  The technician was very informative at pointing out what we were looking at.  We got to see the Baby's skull (which he measured to confirm how many weeks Baby is), the brain, spine, all vital organs, arms, legs, hands, and feet.  Baby also posed for a great profile picture too, and we are more in love with Baby than ever!  The technician was also great about telling me to look away from the screen when he was going to be taking "the gender shot" as he called it.  He said sometimes it isn't obvious, and other times it is quite obvious.  So since we want to be surprised, I wasn't taking any chances!

So with the measurements of Baby C's skull, we were told that we were a little farther along than what we originally thought.  We went to the appointment thinking that we were 17weeks and 6 days, and we were told that we are now 19 weeks and 2 days.  Our updated due date is now March 18, 2012.  So, of course the Irish side of me is hoping that Baby C will make his/her debut one day early and arrive on St. Patrick's Day.  I guess we'll see if the Luck of the Irish is with me ;-)

1 comment:

  1. WOW, ain't technology grand??? Hello in there little Cabral Munchkin, can't wait to meet you
