Thursday, November 10, 2011

Busy as a Bee

Lots of things have been keeping us busy lately, and if you know me well at all, then you know I can't stand it when there are empty spaces on our calendar.

One of our best couple friends threw a Halloween party this year.  I despise paying money for cheap and itchy costumes that only get worn once.  So this year, I made our costumes.  We were Twister the board game.  We had a great night with lots of friends, and I have to say that out of all the yummy food, the chocolate fountain was the highlight of the evening for Baby and I.

We've had our last pregnancy education class.  It was a quite informative class letting us what to expect in a "normal" labor and delivery - is there such a thing as "normal"?  We got a virtual hospital tour, and will be taking an actual tour as we get closer to The Big Day.  Lots of information on drugs - which I listened to, but am set on my decision to have a natural child birth.

Baby C is quite active, especially in the early mornings and late at night.  Ryan was able to feel the baby kicking around a few days ago, and of course that was very exciting for him.  I'm glad he now gets to feel the baby moving around now too.  I get weekly emails letting me know how the baby is progressing, and the size of the baby is always compared to some sort of food - not sure if that's the smartest comparison tool to use when emailing a pregnant woman!  Baby C is about the length of a banana right now, and is weighing about 11 ounces.

Baby C's room is already coming together.  Ryan and his dad painted the room and installed the chair rail, and it looks amazing!  The crib was delivered last week, and Ryan has already built it.  The dresser and changing table is expected to arrive today, so Daddy has a project for this weekend.

We decided to keep the guest bed in the room for now.  After all, Nana (my mom) will be staying for a week after Ryan goes back to work after the baby comes.  And G.G. (short for great grandma) will be coming to stay and help out for a while after Baby C is born, and we can't have either of them sleeping on the couch!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ultrasound & Updated Due Date

Yesterday we had our first ultrasound.  I was full of excitement and a little nervous energy.  When we were originally told that this appointment would be about one hour, I thought our doctor had made a mistake.  Boy, was I the one who made the mistake of thinking that it would be a quick visit.  The technician took soooo many images of our little one.  I was completely mesmerized and felt like I was in a different world watching the screen and seeing our Baby move around.  About halfway through I asked him how many images on average they take for this ultrasound, and he said anywhere from 50 -75 depending on the baby's cooperation.  The technician was very informative at pointing out what we were looking at.  We got to see the Baby's skull (which he measured to confirm how many weeks Baby is), the brain, spine, all vital organs, arms, legs, hands, and feet.  Baby also posed for a great profile picture too, and we are more in love with Baby than ever!  The technician was also great about telling me to look away from the screen when he was going to be taking "the gender shot" as he called it.  He said sometimes it isn't obvious, and other times it is quite obvious.  So since we want to be surprised, I wasn't taking any chances!

So with the measurements of Baby C's skull, we were told that we were a little farther along than what we originally thought.  We went to the appointment thinking that we were 17weeks and 6 days, and we were told that we are now 19 weeks and 2 days.  Our updated due date is now March 18, 2012.  So, of course the Irish side of me is hoping that Baby C will make his/her debut one day early and arrive on St. Patrick's Day.  I guess we'll see if the Luck of the Irish is with me ;-)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Two"First's" for us

I have been toying with this blogging idea for quite awhile now, as I am an avid reader of a few and enjoy them.  As much as I LOVE to talk on the phone, sometimes there is just not enough free time in the day or week to keep everyone up to date on all of the exciting happenings with the Cabral's.  So, I figure this would be a great way to keep everyone informed and test out the waters of blogging.

For those of you who don't know, Ryan and I are expecting!!!  We found out in July and told our immediate family a few weeks later when we were fortunate enough to have everyone together including my Nana and cousin from Arizona. 

I am currently 16 weeks.  We have had 3 doctor's appointments and we have already heard the Baby's heartbeat, which was absolutely amazing.  We have been to an early pregnancy class as well as a nutrition class so far, and have enjoyed all the information and meeting new people.  We have our ultrasound appointment in two weeks and are anxious to see an ultrasound photo of Baby.  At this ultrasound, we might be able to find out the sex of the baby, although we are not going to find out until the arrival of our little one in late March. 

I am feeling great.  My first trimester was the typical occasional morning sickness, nausea, and extreme tiredness. 

We will keep everyone updated and as soon as I figure out how to get fancy and post pictures, those will be coming too.

Lots of Love
~Lyndsey, Ryan, & Baby C