Monday, October 10, 2011

Two"First's" for us

I have been toying with this blogging idea for quite awhile now, as I am an avid reader of a few and enjoy them.  As much as I LOVE to talk on the phone, sometimes there is just not enough free time in the day or week to keep everyone up to date on all of the exciting happenings with the Cabral's.  So, I figure this would be a great way to keep everyone informed and test out the waters of blogging.

For those of you who don't know, Ryan and I are expecting!!!  We found out in July and told our immediate family a few weeks later when we were fortunate enough to have everyone together including my Nana and cousin from Arizona. 

I am currently 16 weeks.  We have had 3 doctor's appointments and we have already heard the Baby's heartbeat, which was absolutely amazing.  We have been to an early pregnancy class as well as a nutrition class so far, and have enjoyed all the information and meeting new people.  We have our ultrasound appointment in two weeks and are anxious to see an ultrasound photo of Baby.  At this ultrasound, we might be able to find out the sex of the baby, although we are not going to find out until the arrival of our little one in late March. 

I am feeling great.  My first trimester was the typical occasional morning sickness, nausea, and extreme tiredness. 

We will keep everyone updated and as soon as I figure out how to get fancy and post pictures, those will be coming too.

Lots of Love
~Lyndsey, Ryan, & Baby C


  1. YAY finally! Now the whole world knows (don't have to be quiet anymore). Congrats to you both, can't wait til March. XXOO

  2. This is so exciting! Can't wait for more updates! Love Always, Todd and Heather
