Sunday, January 15, 2012

Operation Coming Home Outfit

For the past week now, I have been on a cleaning and organizing, then re organizing binge.  I don't know if it's the nesting that has kicked in, or that it's a new year and I love to get things fresh, clean, and back in order.  Maybe it's a combination of both.  I have made lists and made revisions to those lists, and written them out again.  I want to be sure everything is ready for when Baby C arrives.  And since I am still feeling very energetic, I want to get as much done now while I am feeling up to it. 

It just occurred to me a few days ago, that Baby C does not have his/her "Coming Home" outfit.  So, since many of you have been telling me to slow down, chill out, relax more often, and so on ... I've decided that this weeks mission will be finding a coming home outfit, and I will leave the cleaning alone.  Santa left Baby C two pairs of shoes in a stocking this year.  So, I will be finding an outfit for each pair of shoes.  And after all the hard work that Mommy and Daddy will have done prior to Baby C coming home, I am on a mission to find something to compliment the diaper bag Nana and Papa (my parents) gave to us.  And of course Daddy will need a cozy sweat outfit too, as we will all want to be most comfy and cuddly when we arrive home.

Well, as of today, we are down to single digits in the weeks left and down to double digits in days left - 9 weeks to go / 63 days left!  We are most excited!!

Until next time ....

The 3 C's

1 comment:

  1. Not even born yet and baby C is already a "fashion plate." I know you'll complete your mission ;)))))
